domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

A Strange World

Politics is a strange world, a strange world indeed. There are those who don't believe in politics. There are those who believe the politicians are so wretched that there is no point left in hearing out speeches and campaigns every four years when one could be cheering for a sport, worry-free of the intertwining vine of politics. In fact, most youth at this point simply just don't vote, which explains why it is the older generations that hold most the votes - there is a lack of faith, even a lack of hope and interest in the several parties running for office. It might also be that now-a-days we do hear of every scumbag scandal these people face and since it's someone famous, the issue is ten times bigger. Then again, how could it not? How could we ever elect someone who is known to be cheating on their wife, how could we expect this person to remain loyal to his principles and to his word, when they were unable to honour their pact with God, and most importantly, their other half. How could we vote for someone who is on drugs, even if sometimes we are on drugs ourselves? Would we be able to trust their sanity in judgement? Would it be good if the prime-minister just went "What the hell" and did whatever he felt like? Damn, I sure don't know if I want a man who's high as fuck to be ruling over me. But then again, Al Capone made his way in politics. And the mob kept everything under relative control... but those are different times. We were not in the deep hole of cashless-for lack of a better word, poo. And so we start to unravel why politics are so complicated. It is not just the votes, or just the economy, or religion, or philosophy one follows. Politics is, in fact, the mixture of all jobs and all concerns. To pass laws on science, art, electronics, engineering safety, environment, people rights, economical packages. The politician has to deal with it all and mostly likely, does not have training in most of these areas. Which is why he is surrounded by specialists, specialists who them too will have their own agendas, and the corporations where the favourites get their projects approved and the others get their projects just glanced. And before these projects get funding, they'll need a sponsor. And for a sponsor, you need contacts. So it isn't hard to perceive that the projects that actually get passed are simply those with the best teams. Some projects might have been better in a way or another, but it didn't have the people it needed to ever get off the ground. And these are sometimes the same people who spend their lives running on a hamster wheel chasing the big bucks. Because lots of money means you can buy lots of stuff, go to many places, do many things and look gorgeous. The same exact money that buys blood diamonds, the same money that buys child-labour, the same money that buys blackwood desks and votes. The same money that buys sex-slaves and drugs, the same money that buys incinerated land. When have we ever heard of large bucks buying potatoes to feed the family, or blankets to keep them warm at night? We don't, because big bucks other than the once a year charity donation do not care. Big bucks care only about bigger bucks, and the bigger the buck, the bigger the evil. Money controls the world, and since rich people want to remain rich, they sure as hell don't want to change a thing about that. Rich, powerful and in control. America, the land of all riches, the land of the pioneer whose destiny is in none's hands but their own. And what do you do when you're filthy rich? Well, you just keep getting richer, at every passing moment losing further and further notion of what a single buck was. How much does a chewing gum cost you? How long do you chew it for? How many chewing gums per pack? Why would I care, when with the smallest bill in my wallet I could buy well over twenty packs and still not feel my wallet get any lighter? What if I told you that with $500 you could go around the world for a year, doing nothing but pleasurable activities, learning lots of interesting crafts and hearing the best of stories, would you then remember how many chewing gums there are to a pack?

terça-feira, 10 de abril de 2012

Lost But Wild

A blogger only remains a blogger for the time he blogs for a blogger loses his blogger's identity the moment he stops blogging. For when he stops blogging he no longer blogs and therefore is no more a blogger. But when did we stop being bloggers to become facebookers? When did we trade our love for expression and privacy for the publicness and surfaceness of facebook, where deep thoughtful comments have no place for they are quickly lost among status updates on the latest football game or song you heard ? And it is any wonder that artists nowadays write such dreadful lyrics when a decade ago artists were already selling out to the publishing media, and where they have nowhere to truthfully practice their writing and criticism, and when at every new year the globe's brain just gets worse as it loses its creative oxygen? We've had rock for decades that inspired social revolt, but are we so speechless to today's atrocities that we'd rather listen to lyricless DnB, dubstep, trance, than listen to spiritless Bieber, Katty Perry? Is society so different from that one which the Beatles lived in? When did America turn into such a hypocrite? Upholding peace and freedom, the American Dream, and now look at how hard it is to get a green card? Look at how people are enslaved by America's markets, their dreams clouded by America's Cash Cow gone bitter ? The great defenders of peace joining in almost every war, giving money away when there is so much poverty at home, and yet they seed misery like none other managed to seed with the real estate bubble burst dealt all over the world? They were playing hero for so long we ended up paying for it. And who and where are we fighting for what is right and good, when our students are sucked into the milking machine before they even graduate, where are our fair trade politics going to land us when for so long we relied on buying cheap stuff from Africa in trade for our old garbage we have no use for ? When will this karma consume us, when we run around, aimlessly ? When are we going to make the choice between doing the right thing and just staying on matrix's blue path everyday digging deeper into our own self greed for a faster, smaller machine for which we have no inherent use, but still choose to carry around, why do we surrender ourselves to this metallic future by not going greener today? Care for a plant, for a tree, take down a construction sign, stand up to the big bucks just for once, because those who are in life for the money will leave without much more. No, it is not new, better gadgets we need. We can get better gadgets, make better gadgets, but who will win this war of man, the realist or the dreamer, the scientist or the believer, are we willing to accept that hard work and the right tools will write us the perfect literary piece that will feed our souls for centuries to come? There are good and bad, better and worse choices, and we've done of the all kinds, free to do so in our freedom to choose, whether we chose sin & tragedy over peace & love, we must've felt a certain way for a certain choice, and we were affected by what surrounded us at the time, and when we now put a label on it, this label will be shallower or deeper, and it will have been through changes as surely as sand slips through an hour glass but at least we know those choices seemed to be the right ones at a time, and we can usually realize so before we come to the end of the path we were descending, or ascending. We are gifted with the power of thought and change and the power of change through thought. Certainties are only those we carry with us, and even those can be shook. And when we are shook to the very most of our cores, we might ask ourselves what is right, and what is wrong, and still not have a binary answer to logically guide us every step of the way. Because if it were so it would be to deny ourselves of a multitude of answers and possibilities, for an emotion can neither be right nor wrong, it can only be misdirected, misunderstood or misguided at its worst of times, and it can be funded on much more than a single fact or facts that mathematically do not add up to the expected result, leading all astray from expectations into what one would call a feeling of ecstasy or connection only seen in large crowds of people that all share deep feelings for different reasons and yet are somehow in tune, like a caring church group or anger filled punk rock moshers. We vibe to messages, and remember how in our wrongs, we were somehow right.