Isn't it just a choice which one you
dance with? To me this reminds me of Reggae. I've had the discussion
on Bob Marley a few times – His incredibly positive message is
great, but does it still dig into todays issues, or is it just a
general positive message? If you constantly chill with your angels
that will certainly make you live a more positive life, have a more
positive outlook and attitude. And we are all perfect – if
something as perfect even exists, so why would we need to dwell and
dig out our demons? Certainly the power of love will overcome them.
But what really happens when we dig out
our demons? Undoubtedly this is different for every and each one of
us. But as I know myself the best, it is perhaps only fair that it is
on my own experience that I reflect. What I realized? Most of my
demons are old, weak and can barely hold their point of view
nowadays. When they were born they were monstrous powerful beings,
but most of them have lost their power over time. As I dig deep
within and realize their existence they very quickly fade away for
they realize they don't actually hold a hook on me. And as they clear
away I feel freer, lighter and stronger. I also feel a bigger clarity
in my thoughts, allowing me to look within with less interferences.
Sometimes the simple act of accepting these demons is enough for them
to go away. But why is it so? Some of these demons were just simply
born because I thought that my actions or thoughts were not aligned
with the general way of thinking and behaving, and so I carried
around the guilt of being different. And so we come to a social
paradox – being different can often lead to you being excluded,
mocked, ignored, rejected. But being the same, is just too boring.
Often I have said “I am not like everyone else and I don't want to
be like everyone else!”, but at times that feeling of not
belonging, of not being the same, of being different would start to
take over and I would question myself if life wouldn't just be easier
if I were exactly the same, seamlessly fitting in, being completely
accepted and not questioning it myself. And we then bump into another
ideal – We are all the same, we all have the same right, we all are
the same animal, we all are the same soul, we all are one. We are all
infinitely different and infinitely equal and as such, being any more
of the same would be irrelevant, because you are not equal and not
different, you are relative. You are acceptable – other not
accepting you is not a reflection of you, but a reflection of those
who are judging you. And the way you are reacting to them – that is
the reflection of you. It becomes quite clear to me that life is
nothing more but a reflection – as we endlessly reflect each other
until you truly fall in love with your own reflection.
But if this is so, then what the the
hell are we doing? Be the person you'd fall in love with. If, just
like in a dream, we all are reflections of each other, then what are
we living? Is life a regular dream, a nightmare, a lucid dream? Once
we go past reflecting action begins. Change begins. We are playing in
one very big mirror house. As you live, day by day, and you meet
people who think alike, act alike – perhaps not in all aspects but
in one or another, you are meeting a mirror of yourself. You are
meeting a different angle of yourself; And as these conversations
develop, you are meeting yourself as you see the way you act towards
your reflection. Does this mean that we perhaps are not fully honest
with ourselves? Does this mean we perhaps do not comprehend every bit
of ourselves? Does this perhaps mean we are not completely accepting
of ourselves? This could hardly cease to be true, because if it were,
that would mean that we are absolutely happy with ourselves and the
life we live. Which brings me to another topic – it is far easier
to be hateful than loving. It is far easier to reject than to accept.
It is far easier to ignore than to comprehend. Being negative is not
effortful. It can be painful, but not effortful. Being positive on
the other hand, takes a conscious effort to see the positive side of
things in spite of the way we are feeling, it takes a conscious
effort to realize that wether the person is right or wrong or if
there is even a right or wrong side to pick that what this person
needs is not judgement, or at times even advice, but to simply be
understood. And taken a step further, as this person talks and
attempts to explain her difficulties or just simply her situation on
the way she is feeling – she herself might come to clear her
thoughts and realize whatever it was that she needed to realize.
Because as you listen to your mirror, the other person is talking to
their mirror. How often have you thought “If only my mirror could
talk back to me and make everything clear”? What if my mirror could
just ask me the questions that I need to answer to feel good about my
Nothing changes if you just stare at a
reflection of yourself – As Dumbledore told Harry that there was no
point in just staring at the mirror of wishes, because the mirror
itself could not make these things come true to you. As such, what
you want to achieve can not only be achieved within the mirror if
they are to become real. Just the same that if you wish to live your
dreams, you can not only dream them. This leads me to talk about a
recent experience of mine – one that often enough repeats itself,
becoming more intense at every time I live through it. When you meet
someone who is similar to you, in terms of being, and you are
therefore talking to what you'd consider a good reflection of
yourself, the more you talk to this mirror, and the freer you feel
talking to this mirror, the closer you are from not being inside the
mirror house anymore. I had a feeling of being so close to breaking
through the mirror house. This mirror house is nothing but a creation
of our own, in which we see all aspects of ourselves reflected as we
are lost within our own minds and lives. This mirror house reflects
every aspect of yourself, never allowing you to forget who you
believe you are. Who you were will in some aspect always be part of
who you are, and this mirror house will always remind you of who you
were because life is nothing but a reliving of your emotional
memories, while you are still walking within your same old circles.
And this mirror house, clearly exists, in a very simple way. Another
person is not who you believe they are. They are who they are, and
you see them as you believe them to be. And as such, to comprehend
who this other person is, you use the reflections that you have
previously created to be able to understand who this person is, while
adding some new mirrors to the house to to accommodate for anything
new this person might bring into your life. And every time you meet a
new person you might also become aware of some mirrors that you had
lost track of, in your mirror house. That moment of breaking through
I couldn't explain it another other way except for this one: As I
came closer and closer to my reflections, my reflection was not
coming out of the mirror nor was I stepping into it, but I was coming
to realize that I am my reflections and my reflections are me, and as
I stepped into this knowledge I ceased to be lost inside the mirror
house but I could actually see where I was going and head there,
without being fooled by reflections. This is the moment I believe you
are able to create real change. The moment you accept the mirror
house that exists within you and are able to step beyond it. I wonder
if I'd describe change as walking outside the mirror house, and
coming back to it later – as these moments do not last forever.
That moment where you get the feeling you are just about to create
real change does not last forever, and so I believe that once the
moment has past we return to the mirror house. I've returned to the
mirror house. It is wider than before, but a mirror house all the
same. But I can't describe it as having gone outside of the mirror
house, gone for a walk and came back, as that would imply that you
found the way out of the mirror house, that you essentially escaped
yourself. It was not this. As Einstein said, you can not solve a
problem at the same level of thinking it was created. Rather, I'd
describe it as this: On a normal day, you'll walk through the mirror
house observing the different reflections that face you and making
decisions upon these. The moment of change was as if I were walking
through the house and the mirrors were rearranging themselves towards
me, as I was not living by reflection anymore, but by purely being.
Having had long conversations about deep held beliefs and thoughts
that reflect where I want to go in life and what I want to do, for
that evening, I had created a mirror room that comprehended me as I
am today. A round room of mirrors, where the reflection is clear,
clean, fresh. And it is this creating of a round room of mirrors that
makes it cease to be a reflection. The mirrors became portals. I
could travel freely, no longer bounded and confused by illusions.